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In accordance with the Dutch Works Councils Act, the board of directors has an obligation to consult the Works Council on critical matters and to consider their advice carefully when taking decisions. In order to function successfully as a company in the Netherlands, the Works Council has therefore an important role to play. Many members of Works Councils have no previous experience in this area and are unfamiliar with the unique Dutch environment and legislation. You may be looking for a course to gain insight in: We offer you such training and OR-coaching, provided in English. Possible Works Council course topics- The Dutch Works Councils Act: rights and duties of the WC I am also available to assist in consultations with the board of directors and to help you negotiate in specific situations. My backgroundIn the past I have been a manager of a business unit. I had to sit on the other side of the table, deliberating with Works Councils. Now I train and coach Works Councils and I have done so for many years in Dutch as well as in English. | Satisfied Customers | is een onderdeel van Dijkstra Consult. Zie Neem contact op | ZoekenLocatieKlompenmakersgilde 2 | Opgenomen in het Register Medezeggenschap-opleiders Als instelling ingeschreven in het Centraal Register Kort Beroepsoonderwijs (CRKBO) Licentiehouder vanSocial media |